Design for High Rise Buildings

All services
Office building and hotel-Darmstadt
Residential building and hotel-Darmstadt
Residential and office building-Heidelberg
Residential building-Bensheim
Residential building-München
Residential building-Stuttgart
Residential and office building-Osterbronnstrasse
Residential and office building-Dresden
Residential and office building-Herzogenaurach
Poslovna zgrada i hotel, Darmstadt
Office building and hotel-Darmstadt

Participation in the Detail Design

Stambena zgrada i hotel, Darmstadt
Residential building and hotel-Darmstadt

Participation in the Detail Design

MTV Mark Twain Village
Residential and office building-Heidelberg

Participation in the Detail Design

Stambena zgrada, Bensheim
Residential building-Bensheim

Participation in the Detail Design

Stambena zgrada, Bensheim
Residential building-Bensheim

Participation in the Detail Design

Stambena zgrada, München
Residential building-München

Participation in the Detail Design

Stambena zgrada, München
Residential building-München

Participation in the Detail Design

Stambena zgrada, München
Residential building-München

Participation in the Detail Design

Stambena zgrada, Stuttgart
Residential building-Stuttgart

Participation in the Detail Design

Stambena zgrada, Stuttgart
Residential building-Stuttgart

Participation in the Detail Design

Stambeno-poslovna zgrada, Osterbronnstrasse
Residential and office building-Osterbronnstrasse

Participation in the Detail Design

Stambeno-poslovna zgrada, Dresden
Residential and office building-Dresden

Participation in the Detail Design

Stambeno-poslovna zgrada, Dresden
Residential and office building-Dresden

Participation in the Detail Design

Stambeno-poslovna zgrada, Herzogenaurach
Residential and office building-Herzogenaurach

Participation in the Detail Design